Local villages will offer Easter egg hunts this weekend.


The Ontario Community Club will host its annual Easter-egg hunt Saturday, April 15.

Signup will start at 9:30 a.m. at the Ontario Community Hall, and the hunt will start at 10 a.m.

Children 12 and younger are welcome to participate.


The Norwalk Lioness Club’s annual Easter-egg hunt is set for Saturday, April 15. Children who wish to participate should line up at the Norwalk Public Library at 10 a.m.  


The Wilton Legion Auxiliary invites all children through the sixth grade to its annual Easter-egg hunt, which is slated for Saturday, April 15.

To participate in the hunt, report to the Lions Shelter at the Wilton Park by 10 a.m.  After the hunt, children may join the Easter Bunny for treats and photos. The hunt will be held no matter the weather.