By NALANI BEVER | Wilton blood drive coordinator

The lazy days of summer are over; however, the blood shortage continues. Units of blood are being transferred to hospitals and emergency care facilities as fast as they are cleared for use!

Using only an hour of your time, you can help by attending a Red Cross blood drive in the area.

The Wilton community will hold a drive Saturday, Oct. 1, at the Wilton Community Center. The drive hours are 7–11:30 a.m.

Individuals who are 17 and older who are in general good health and meet eligibility requirements are urged to become donors. Parental consent is required for 16-year-olds to donate. If you have not donated in the past, two forms of identification are required.

Although appointments are not required, you are encouraged to consider making one. We also encourage completion of the Rapid Pass the day of your intended donation. This will cut your time once you arrive at the drive by about 15 minutes. Please note the Rapid Pass system is reset at 3 a.m., so that’s the earliest you can complete the form.

The following websites are for your use:

• Appointments:

• Rapid Pass:

Always remember, you might be the next person in need of a blood transfusion. Do your part to make sure blood supplies are available and reserves are on-hand.