Contributed by NALANI BEVER

Wilton Community Blood Drive coordinator

Sponsored by the American Red Cross, the Bleed to Help Save Lives program challenges high school athletic programs or school clubs and their parents to come together this summer for a common good. The Brookwood FFA has annually sponsored a drive on behalf of the Red Cross.

Because the Wilton Community Blood Drive was already scheduled, it seemed only logical for the two groups to work together. In return for the effort, the Red Cross will provide the FFA a monetary award through a third-party vendor of its choice. The club leadership will determine how the funds will benefit its program.

For each productive pint collected at the drive, $10 will be awarded. A minimum of 30 productive pints must be collected to participate in the award program. These must be 30 NEW DONORS.

The Wilton drive has been collecting between 50–60 pints, so our new goal for that day will be 90–100. If we are able to secure 30 new donors along with our usual folks, we could raise nearly $1,000 for the FFA, or perhaps more. It’s all up to us!

The drive will be at the Wilton American Legion Hall from 7–11:30 a.m. We will include articles in the County Line in hopes of sparking interest in becoming a blood donor. In addition, members of the Brookwood FFA will be out and about, spreading the news about the drive and encouraging folks to participate.

How about you? Do you know someone who has never given blood but expressed an interest?

Talk to them. Encourage them to attend this drive and continue to support the Red Cross in the future.