By DEB LAW | Wilton

Through our lives, we face many things. No one knows what that could bring. Challenges we can accept. What’s hard to deal with is the abrupt. “That” can change your world, put life on a spin! Create emotions, decisions; make light go dim. When the unexpected happens, andit does, turn the light back on and look as it was. Face your fear, your hurt, your loss. Emotions and answers, it’s hard to toss. To keep going, to get back up, is hard when you’re down in a rut. “Carry on, soldier,” as I always say. Pick yourself up; dust yourself off: there is another way! What’s hard today won’t be so bad tomorrow. Be strong. Believe. You’ll get through any sorrow. Once you do that — possibilities changed. Your thoughts, emotions, decisions … a new you to arrange! Good luck to your journey called “life.” I hope the best for all to fight your strife.

Sioux Indian saying — “What is life? It’s the flash of the firefly at night. It’s the breath of the buffalo in the winter time. It’s the little shadow which runs across that tall grass and loses itself. Life is not long or shot … it just is.”