As an immigrant living in Wisconsin, I am disgusted by the governor’s rejection to accept already-approved Syrian refugees.

Anyone who has been through the U.S. immigration system knows that it is complex and demoralizing. Gov. Walker’s bigoted attitude feeds the “us and them” mentality that encourages terrorism here and overseas.

This country was founded on giving refuge to the disenfranchised. Emma Lazarus’ poem on the Statue of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” seems to be changing to, “Build walls and obstacles to keep out those who look different.” 

Whereas once I was proud to be a Wisconsinite and a naturalized American citizen, I am now ashamed and horrified. I like to think that Wisconsin, a state that has welcomed waves of immigrants from Europe, Central America, and Southeast Asia, remains a place where shelter is given to those fleeing hardship. Gov. Walker, you do not speak of my Wisconsin.