By DON FOY | La Farge

A 4-year-old with a gun — good idea? Wisconsin’s Republican leaders think so. They just sucked up (again) to the NRA (National Rifle Association) and the gun industryby removing any age limit whatsoever from hunting in this state.

Now, instead of a child having to be at least 10 years old, with an adult, and one gun between them, the child can be of any age (presumably able to walk), with an adult, and each can carry a gun. Supporters of this stupid law say parents, not the government, should determine when a child can hunt. Should parents determine when a child should drive? or drink? Or have sex?

This “government is the problem (Reagan)” philosophy is being pushed to absurd limits. Instead of acting like the out-of-control kids on Pleasure Island in Disney’s “Pinocchio,” it’s time we grew up and recognize the need for legitimate authority.

Against a background of 26 recently shot dead in Texas, 58 in Las Vegas, even five today (Nov. 14) in California, and so on and on and on, Republicans are on a crusade to loosen gun laws?! There are pro-social, common-sense limits to every right, as in the famous prohibition against yelling “fire!” in a crowded theater as being a reasonable limit on free speech.

The Second Amendment needs similar guards against such (literally) deadly license. Trump, Walker, and the gun lobby ***kissers are right to say these mass shootings are a mental health issue —theirs!