I’m so glad to get Karen Parker’s update on her good recovery from the Covid-19 virus and am grateful for her effort to “talk some sense into us.”

It must be my sheep-farming biology education that has taught me to be especially respectful of this new and easily transmittable viral disease. Probably because of my 30 years at sheep farming and dealing with various serious sheep diseases, where I literally found it best to get rid of an entire sheep flock because of a bad sheep disease in that flock; e.g., Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP). Of course, I’m not advocating some evil course of action, but I wonder about those people who seem to think “herd immunity” is some pleasant, quick solution. It’s so horrific I can’t talk about that awful idea, but I am in full agreement with your position to take the utmost precaution and do right amount of social distancing, wearing a face mask, etc., and careful hygiene. And It’s better to err on the side of caution. And deliberately be overly cautious, especially now.

I am also impressed to read that China, after some small outbreaks in a Chinese province, they are quickly going to implement a mass testing program of millions of people in that province and once again rid China’s provinces of any further spread.

I also am reading about the appearance of a significant number of young people who suffer from the virus considerably longer than the usual number of days or weeks that other youngsters do. They’re called the “long haulers,” and we truly don’t know the long-term effects of the Covid-19 disease, nor do we have a proven vaccine yet. WE HAVE NEVER BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD with this new viral disease, nor have we had so many people throw caution to the wind and probably have no idea what awful conditions may develop when the “shit hits the fan” and our hospitals are overwhelmed and there is no place to go and now it’s too late! We may all agree with the old saying that “if you think this is bad, you haven’t seen nothing yet.” I hope not, and I hope God will give our leader the understanding to do the right thing and not be guilty of being a “super spreader” of this viral pandemic.