Julia Lynn Duprey of Belchertown, Mass., born July 19, 1968, died Jan. 10, 2020. She was the daughter of Judy Eness of Ontario. She also was the loving wife of Brian Dupre and mother to Levi and Evan, all of Belchertown, Mass.

A servant in life: As driver of school bus No. 15, she loved her job. On New Year’s Day, I (her mother, Judy Eness) spoke with about when school started. She said tomorrow and was concerned about the kids standing in the rain. Her route had a pickup at the low-income housing, and there is no bus shelter there.

One week later, she was on full life support at Bay State Hospital in Springfield, Mass., for a clinical procedure to remove sepsis from the blood.

She was a servant in death. It was a life well lived. Praise to the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ; she is just across the veil. I’ll see her again.

Thank you, Grace Community Church, for prayer and support