The shooting of policemen in Dallas was a horrible thing that cannot be justified, but we shouldn’t pass it off as the work of a nut. It is an indication of the level of frustration in the black community as a result of a dramatic increase in the number of black men being shot by police, some of which appear justified and others not. The video of the police shooting of the black man seated in his car in a St. Paul suburb on July 6 should make anyone angry, as it did Minnesota’s Gov. Mark Dayton. 

 Law and order types will preach that people should “work through the system” instead of resorting to violence. But that doesn’t work when the system is biased against you. It is usually the people who control the system who preach working through the system, as anyone who lived through the Vietnam era can testify.

To get a feeling for what it is like when the system is stacked against you, imagine that Gov. Scott Walker brought legal proceedings against you and the case ended up before the biased Wisconsin Supreme Court, which Walker and the Koch Brothers have put in place. Do you really think you would get a fair hearing? When it turned out in Walker’s favor, as it surely would, would you not feel angry?

 Sometimes it takes something like the Dallas shooting to get people off dead center to finally stand up for what is right.